Sunday, April 22, 2012

Storage Unit Move - Day 2 and 3

It is official.  Hell has frozen over and we made some enormous milestones this week.  

I forgot to take photos on day two of the move.  Our storage unit move consisted of two days with my pickup truck (about 2 hours each day) and a full day with a big moving truck (provided complementary by the new storage unit company).  

1/2 way through day three - old storage unit
1/2 way through day three - new storage unit
 I did not get a photo of the completely moved into new storage unit.  IT.IS.FULL.
DONE - I am going to try to sell the last two items in picture.
The above photo makes me smile.  I didn't think this day would come.  I am so happy! 

We moved from a 5'X10' storage unit AND an 1100 square foot fully furnished house into a 12'X20' storage unit WITH loft and NOW we have everything inside a 10'X10' space.  AWESOME.

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