Saturday, August 27, 2011

Baby/Toddler Mobility

If there is one thing that am really neurotic about - it is researching baby products/gear.  I knew that, with a 15 month age difference between our children, we would need a sturdy double stroller.  I researched everything on the market - tandem strollers, double wide strollers, sit and stand strollers, three and four wheel strollers, etc.  

I ended up buying (used) the Phil & Teds Vibe stroller with doubles kit.  This stroller (made in New Zealand) retails for $930 - I got it gently used for $450 (including shipping) on eBay.  I have seen this model of stroller go for as little as $350 on eBay. 
 This stroller is perfect for our family for the following reasons:
  • It is not very heavy - weighing in at 22 lbs
  • You can fold it without un-installing the doubles kit (back seat)
  • It has three inflatable tires so it is easy to push on the dock (which is bumpy in places) 
  • You can set it up so that the newborn can lay flat (look at the phil & teds website for a picture)
  • The back seat can be removed when one kid outgrows the stroller.  
  • It packs away almost as compactly as my single stroller (I had the Bumbleride Indie (website) which is also an awesome option for only children)

I still need to purchase a few accessories to complete our travel system.  I am going to get the rain coat ($50) and am interested in the optional saddle bags (to store groceries in) - these clip on to both sides of the stroller (also $50... all the accessories for this stroller are $50-$100!! - ouch!).  

It is worth noting that, as liveaboards, you will be logging many miles on whatever stroller you choose (I walk about 1/3 of a mile just to get to the car).  I would not recommend cutting corners to save money on this type of purchase.  

Good Luck! 

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